We are able to organise events for example in Residential Care Homes, Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise sector including NHS / Local authorities health initiatives. Please get in touch for more details.

Community and Cultural

We believe that culture is spirit of our community; it encourages stronger integrated local communities, transforms relationships and bond between people. Build on community spirit and sense of belonging through sharing, learning, and celebrating the vibrant and diverse cultures that exist in Waltham Forest and a lasting legacy for its people.
Our free Community Health and Cultural Event is a two-part event funded for the past two years by Forest Ward Community Ward Funding. It is informative, therapeutic, fun, and celebratory. Focal point for residents to come and find out about health prevention. Sample alternative therapies to manage stress and how to utilise creative skills to care for mental wellbeing. Opportunities for stallholders to sell products and promoting services of community voluntary sector organisations.
Cultural entertainment to Increase knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the diverse cultures that exist in Waltham Forest.